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…اعقد نيتك و ازرع حلمك

A few months ago, we found ridiculously cheap plane tickets for Boston and off we went. It was our first visit to the city and, believe it or not, Stockholm in February was more pleasant than Boston in March. It probably has a lot to do with the fact that we arrived completely unprepared. That I, in my converse and thin jacket, did not end up with pneumonia is honestly not even fair.

لوحات مُخاطة

لوحات مُخاطة

هيئات آدمية تمت خياطها على أقمشة للرسم، تظهر و تحيا في عالم عوّض فيه الشوك الورود و أخذت فيه الثعابين مكان العصافير و حلّ الارهاب محلّ الانسانية…